women is opening facebook on a tablet to look at her KPIs

KPI Examples for Facebook


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A Facebook KPI or metric is a performance measurement that is used to track specific details of a Facebook Fan Page, a specific campaign or shared content. These indicators (Impressions, Reach, Engagement e. g.) define the value and success of your company on Facebook.

Here is the complete list of the most important Facebook KPIs and metrics, that we will discuss in this article in every detail:

Number of Fans: Is my number of fans actually important?

Follower Demographics: Where does my audience come from?

Page Views by Sources: How many people have seen my Page?

Actions on Page: What are people exactly doing on my Page?

Reach by Post Type: Which post type works best on Facebook?

Post Engagement Rate: How vital is my Average Engagement rate?

Click-Through-Rate (CTR): What is a good CTR for my Facebook posts?

Ad Impressions & Frequency: How are my ads performing over time?

CPM & CTR of Facebook Ads: How much my campaigns should cost?

Cost per Conversion: Where do you get conversions for the lowest price?

charts showing the development of facebook fans over time

Number of Fans

Is my number of fans actually important?

The number of fans your Facebook Page has generated can be an indicator of how well your content is performing. Seeing a significant drop or increment can provide valuable insights into the fluctuation of your content and deliver additional impact on the decision-making process: which content to share and what happens with the numbers. If your fan base predominantly comes from a specific country, then it could be valuable to tailor the content to their specific culture. If you see the total number of fans significantly dropped, this metric can show on which specific day that happened, and what preceded to cause this.

Performance Indicators

If you understand how your audience grows, did it expanded or contracted, and were there internal or external causes to these changes, then you can easily adapt your content to increase the number of followers and use this data for future posting.

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visual Facebook KPI example for follower demographics

Follower Demographics

Where does my audience come from?

Getting to know your audience is one of the most important Facebook KPIs that can define your overall channel strategy. By breaking your follower demographics into Gender, Country, City or Language, you can discover how many of them are engaging or converting with your content (depending on your specific goal) and customise your content to their specific requirements. You can look into the specific language of your audience which can define whether you need to translate your content or write in your mother-tongue. If you see the gender is predominant by women, you should modify your tone of writing to correspond their style.

Performance Indicators

Determine the right profile of your followers to understand how to personalise your content and deliver the right type of message. If your findings generate new insights than previously thought, make sure to modify your strategy.

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charts showing total page views and unique page views of a facebook page as well as the top sources of page views

Page Views by Sources

How many people have seen my Page?

The Page Views metric can determine from which sources your Facebook Page has been visited and viewed. Additionally, you can track that metric over a specific period to see which channels bring you a higher number of referrals. If your top sources indicate that other social media channels, like Instagram or Twitter, have a higher amount of referrals, you should consider looking more into that specific channel. You can also separate Unique Page Views, meaning the number of single users interacting with your Page to get a clearer insight into your audience. If you see a specific spike on this metric’s dashboard, you can dig deeper to see if your post has been featured on another website.

Performance Indicators

Evaluate the amount of referring channels and determine the source of traffic that brings the most value to your Facebook Page in relation to your complete social media strategy.

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line chart illustrating an importante Facebook KPI: Actions on Page

Actions on Page

What are people exactly doing on my Page?

One of the most important Facebook metrics to get to know your audience and deliver them the best content possible, is the Actions on Page KPI. This metric shows the exact amount of clicks on your Action Button, Get Directions, Phone Number and Clicked Website. Additionally, it would make sense to filter these insights by age, gender, country, city, and device. The important point to consider is the objective you want to accomplish. The purpose of Actions on Page differentiates if you want your business to be local, nationally, or internationally engaged with, therefore, customise your approach, buttons and see if you’re engaging on a local or global scale.

Performance Indicators

Establish which Actions on Page are relevant to your strategy and customise your content to deliver the maximum amount of results. If you’re a local business, increase the Get Directions and Phone Number clicks.

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data visualisation showing the average reach by post type on Facebook

Reach by Post Type

Which post type works best on Facebook?

Reach is the number of unique views the Post has received. It is an important metric because you can see how many unique users have seen your content. The Average reach per Post Type number will tell you what kind of content resonates with your audience best: Link, Status, Photo, or Video. You can even see the development of the Average reach over a time-frame. It would make sense to additionally analyse the Impressions (the number of times your page Post is seen) and then also calculate the Frequency – a metric that tells how many times your message is shown to the same audience.

Performance Indicators

The more Reach you get, the more people have seen your content, the more awareness you build. Set your date range and compare the average numbers.

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data visualisation of one of the most important Facebook metrics: the Post Engagement Rate

Post Engagement Rate

How vital is my Average Engagement rate?

Your Engagement rate is certainly one of the crucial metrics to follow and track on your social media channel. The number of link clicks, comments, likes, and shares can make or break your post value, regardless of the time spent to create and prepare it. This Facebook KPI can be divided by the type of the post, so you can easily spot what kind of production you need to concentrate on: video, photo, written status or link. The Average Engagement rate is presented in percentage of people who saw the post and decided to like, share, click or comment; the higher the percentage, the higher the number of engaged people.

Performance Indicators

Make sure you know which engagement is important to your business and which post types you need to create and combine for better results.

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summary of the top 5 Facebook posts by CTR

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

What is a good CTR for my Facebook posts?

One of the most common question in Facebook marketing, which is not that simple to answer. Depending on the industry and your overall marketing goal, the CTR can vary. It is calculated as Link clicks divided by Impressions. Multiply that number with 100 and you get your percentage of people who saw your content and actually clicked on it. Usually, organic posts get a higher CTR in comparison to the paid ones. For an organic Newsfeed post a CTR over 5% is good, and for a paid Newsfeed post 1.5% is quite good. If your CTR starts to drop, ask yourself which metrics and tactics you need to change and adjust to make sure you perform better.

Performance Indicators

Identify your industry benchmarks, perform analysis of your top posts and detect what your audience is clicking through, so you can implement those findings in future posts.

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data visualisation showing the interaction of 3 important Facebook Ads KPIs: Ad Impressions, Ad Reach and Ad Frequency

Ad Impressions & Frequency

How are my ads performing over time?

Facebook metrics examples which indicate how your ads are performing during a certain period can be evaluated by the number of Impressions, Reach and Frequency. Impressions will let you know how many times your ads were displayed, Reach will demonstrate how many unique people have seen your ads, and Frequency is simply impressions divided by reach. In practice, that means if your ad had 50.000 impressions, reached 25.000 people, your frequency will be 2. If your ad was seen more than 4 times by the same user, it would certainly cause the drop in the CTR, and the chance to convert those users would be much lower.

Performance Indicators

Monitor frequency to make sure the same people aren’t seeing your ad too often, which can cause audience’s fatigue, so a wise move would be to change your targeting or creative.

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visual example of the CPM and CTR of Facebook Ads

CPM & CTR of Facebook Ads

How much my campaigns should cost?

The cost of your campaigns is the most crucial part of your overall social media strategy. It all goes down to the simple question: how much should I invest to get as much as possible from my ads? The CPM and CTR metrics will differ a lot by targeting and placement. If you pay by Impressions, of course, you want to have the best possible CTR, as this will decrease your click price. Your decision is usually a trade-off between a really specific targeting (high CPM and higher CTR) or a broad one (lower CPM and lower CTR). Consider also the benchmark data from your respective business.

Performance Indicators

Measure each performance conjointly and compare your results over a set time frame.

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visual comparison of the CTR, cost per conversion and cost per click on Facebook for different ad placements

Cost per Conversion

Where do you get conversions for the lowest price?

Conversions are the main goal of a social media marketing strategy. You want your audiences to perform a specific action, and no matter how good other Facebook KPI examples which we have mentioned are performing, you won’t get a positive ROI if conversions don’t happen. Test different Placements and see the percentage of CTR and the CPC you gain. However, there is a possibility that the lower CPC has the higher Cost-Per-Conversion, as this traffic can convert on a poorer level, depending on the Ad Placement. It can happen that the Right Column has a lower CPC, but, in the end, a higher Cost-Per-Conversion.

Performance Indicators

Differentiate ad placements, calculate each KPI and conclude which fusion of metrics brings you the most relevant results. u

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